Brand Story & Mission
Behind the birth of each wine, there is always an extraordinary journey. Beginning from the hardship of growing grapes, the threats of pests and climate change never end before the harvest. During the wine making process, numerous procedures must be conducted with extreme care. After bottling, wines must be transported safely to the rest of the world before they can even have the opportunity to be sold and radiate their beautiful aroma and colors in wine glasses for us to appreciate on different occasions.
DIVIN in French means sacred and excellent. Knowing that each wine is the result of long experience and hard works of various wineries, it is DIVIN’s supreme aim to help wine chateau, sommeliers, wine lovers, and collectors to properly preserve their precious wines. Using the latest available technologies and high specification materials to create your ultimate wine fridges, custom cellars, and wine tasting accessories is our passion.
In order to help developing wine culture in Taiwan, DIVIN has been actively involved in different wine exhibitions and other promotional events. DIVIN was chosen to be the only wine fridge brand used for storing the wines of the 16th Best Sommelier of the World Competition-Taiwan National Candidate Contest, the 1st Taiwan Sparkling Wine Competition, and the Best Taiwan Sommelier Competition of 2018, 2019, and 2020.
708 台南市安平區新港路二段 777號 | 電話+886-6-298-2999